by Ian At a point when they’re being openly threatened with an independent regulator because it is generally considered that they are incapable of getting their own house in order, the decision of the EFL to appoint Peter Ridsdale, of all people, to their board is certainly a bold move. As an organisation that has overseen the complete collapse of two of its member clubs in the last three years and is now widely derided by supporters, we might have expected them to be a little more circumspect, but in the insular world of professional football, the ideal candidate can often feel like the person you know best, regardless of their history. In the case of Peter Ridsdale, there is certainly one of those. His arrival at Leeds United in the summer of 1997 coincided with a couple of fallow seasons following their surprise league title in 1992 and subsequent ups and downs. Ridsdale was certainly confident, and wasn’t afraid to make a rash promise or two. The club started to spend more heav...