Proposed Regional Casino Development in Leeds 18/10/2004
Stanley Leisure plc ('Stanley'') is pleased to announce that Stanley CasinosLimited has acquired the entire issued ordinary share capital of Leeds UnitedProperties Limited from Leeds United Retail Limited for a cash consideration of£5 million. The only asset of Leeds United Properties Limited is an option toacquire a seven acre site adjacent to the Leeds United F.C. Elland RoadStadium.Subject to the reform of Britain's gambling laws, Stanley intends to apply forplanning permission to develop a regional casino complex on this site. It isanticipated that the complex will comprise a 150,000 sq. ft. casino, togetherwith other developments including a hotel, restaurants, bars, leisurefacilities and designer shops. The site is ideally located close to the M1, M62and M621 motorways and enjoys a catchment of over five million adults livingwithin one hour's drive. Stanley has started discussions with possible partnerswho share its vision to maximise the full potential of this development whichis expected to cost up to £125 million.Bob Wiper, Chief Executive of Stanley Leisure plc, said:'We are delighted to announce the development of this exceptional site in Leedswhich we believe is the best location for a casino in the North of England. Weplan to build an exciting casino complex, to rival any other development in theUK, which will be a huge entertainment attraction of which the region can beproud.It is expected that this project will be complete by the end of 2007, subjectto planning and deregulation. We estimate that the complex will create over1,000 new jobs in addition to the jobs associated with the development phase.Stanley has over 30 years experience of operating casinos in the UK. We willcontinue to operate in a socially responsible manner and, further, we arecommitted to meeting all new requirements as determined by the future GamblingCommission.This development consolidates Stanley Leisure's position as the UK's leadingcasino operator. We expect our existing Star City casino in Birmingham, alreadythe largest casino in the UK, to move to regional casino status soon after thenew legislation is introduced. The Leeds casino will then become our secondregional casino.'

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